Friday, November 30, 2012

Paul Rudd Needs To Let It Go

Last Monday night I attended the Our Time ”Celebrity” Bowling event at Lucky Strike in NYC, hosted by Paul Rudd. Our Time is an amazing organization that helps children who stutter improve their confidence and communication skills …but it unfortunately doesn’t help celebrities get over themselves (read on…).

It was certainly a blast hanging around in the VIP room chatting with such awesome kids and posing for pictures. I pretty sure they hand picked the cutest kids in the program for this party. Afterwards, we all headed out to the main room for cocktails (this makes the adults more tolerable) before the bowling portion of the evening. A beautiful 14-year-old girl named Juliette gave a moving speech about being bullied and explained that she was able to build her confidence through the Our Time organization, as well as through singing. She concluded by singing for the crowd and sounded like an angel. I started to well up but I’ll keep pretending it was because my skinny jeans were cutting off my circulation, and not because I’m a softy.

Afterward, I made my way over to compliment and congratulate Juliette, then suggested we take a picture with the host, Paul Rudd, to use on my news segment. We posed for the picture and Paul seemed semi pleasant (don’t let the smile fool you), despite being a bit of a grump the first time we met last year. I started to think, “Wow, he’s actually not a bad guy” which foolishly led me to say, “Hey Paul, we met before”. This is where he decided to call me out like a teenage girl who was stood up at the prom, he replied, “Yeah, I remember you. I was sitting in the corner at my friend’s movie premiere party and you asked for a picture and I said ‘no’, and you wrote some not so nice things about me!” (Insert “wah” and foot stomp here) I, of course, played dumb (OK, maybe “played” is a strong word in my case).

He snippily continued, “Oh, I’m pretty sure you remember”. I said, “That’s right, you were in the corner all tired and cranky sporting a full beard”. What I’m saying is, the guy acted like a WHINY BEARDED BABY. He continued, “I was tired, I take pictures with everyone; you were the one that wasn’t nice. As I said before, being famous must be so tiring.

We went back and forth a bit more and then, he again unleashed his inner douche with, “I hope you really enjoy our picture from tonight!” He was acting like it happened last week. All this as the head of the charity was next to him trying to direct him to the other room. This guy has the memory of an elephant, and the footwear of a mouse in a Victorian children’s bedtime story. Seriously dude, what the hell were those shoes? If Ye Olde Douche Bag was the look he was trying to pull off, he succeeded.

Other attendees making their way around the room included: Mariska Hargitay, Brady Bunch’s Eve Plumb (Why? Was Marcia, Marcia, Marcia already booked?), Amy Laurent, Rachel Dratch, and many more.

After shaking off this weird experience, the rest of the night was very pleasant–playing pool, bowling with amazing kids, and of course enjoying the free booze, pizza and sliders. All for a great cause.

Nearly two years had gone by and this guy can still recall an article that just barely insulted him? I had no idea Our Idiot Brother was a documentary.


Tom Murro


Christina Applegate Haylie Duff Elena Lyons

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