Tori Spelling has opened up more about her ordeal with placenta previa – a condition in which the placenta covers all or part of the cervix. When she was 20 weeks pregnant with Finn – she experienced bleeding which led her to stay on four months bed rest until his birth.
Describing the night when she woke to find “massive” amounts of blood – she recalls to People, “I stumbled to the bathroom, dizzy from losing so much blood. When I got there, I thought, ‘This is it,’” there was so much blood I thought, ‘I’m dying. Not just [losing] the baby, but I’m dying.’”
She then asked 4-year-old Stella to get help from dad.
“I had to scream for Stella and I’ll never forget the look on her face when she saw me surrounded by blood everywhere. I didn’t want to panic her and I said, ‘Baby, will you go get Daddy? Just tell him I’m bleeding.’”
She continued, “Her eyes were as big as saucers and — this is going to make me cry — she looked like such a little toddler warrior. She said, ‘Okay, Mama’ and she ran. And two seconds later Dean came in and basically had to wrap me up to get me to the hospital.”
Spelling credits Dean with keeping their family intact. She told US Weekly, “Dean’s a super dad. He’s a mom and dad all wrapped up into one” and added, “He was dealing with so much, but he was always really positive. We had date nights every Tuesday . . . Dean would spend the night at the hospital on a cot next to me and we’d talk.”
While on bed rest at the hospital – she designed a new collection and planned Stella’s birthday party.
She explained, “It was hard because [blogging is] such a personal thing and I’m so open with everybody. I’m writing about Stella’s Fourth birthday, but no one knows that I’m in a hospital bed. I planned the whole thing, but I [was] on Face Time and not actually there. Those were things I couldn’t share, so it just felt like this big secret lie that I was keeping from everyone.”
Just two weeks after Finn was delivered on August 30 at 37 weeks – she was rushed to the hospital again after her c-section burst open.
“My intestines actually came out,” she said. “I was like, ‘Man, I’m being tested right now.’”
Now she’s just relaxing being a mother to Finn.
“It’s [been] almost six weeks and he’s smiling and grasping,” she reveals. “I just look at [Finn] and I’m like, ‘I hope you don’t ever want to go to camp or college because I’m not letting you go! Or you’re going to take me with you.’ I don’t want to be apart from him.”
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